Which strategies enable affordable living? What are acceptable minimal standards and what can we do without? Rather self-build or a fully finished flat? How can new floor plan and circulation configurations help? A discussion with Berlin housing associations and architects from the URBAN LIVING workshop as well as SELF-MADE CITY projects.
The discussion will be in German language.
Opening Speakers: Matthias Böttger, curator DAZ, Dirk Böttcher, Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment
Keynote: Joachim Schultz-Granberg, münster school of architecture / Städtebau + Architektur Berlin
Participant in the discussion:
architects of the URBAN LIVING-Workshop an the built SELF-MADE CITY projects:
Martina Bauer, Barkow Leibinger; Jesko Fezer and Christoph Schmidt, Ifau and Jesko Fezer; Christian Schöningh, Die Zusammenarbeiter; Carolin Franke, Talli + Architekturbüro R. Schnitzler; Matthias Rottman, De Zwarte Hond; Klaus Overmeyer and Philipp Misselwitz, Urban Catalyst Studio; Florian Koehl, fatkoehl; Georg Poduschka, PPAG; Matthias Schütte, GPSarchitectrue + Canals Moneo; Matthias Winkler, UmweltBank
and representatives of Berlin municipal housing associations: Stefanie Frensch, CEO of the Berlin municipal housing association HOWOGE; Snezana Michaelis, CEO of the Berlin municipal housing association Gewobag
Moderation: Kristien Ring, curator of URBAN LIVING / AA Projects
Registration is not required.
The exhibition URBAN LIVING is part of the MAKE CITY festival (11. - 28.6.2015). More information about the "Festival for Architecture and Urban Alternatives": makecity.berlin/