From October, the DAZ will present the exhibition SPACES OF SOLIDARITY of the trans- and interdisciplinary research project TRANSFORMING SOLIDARITIES of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) and the associated three-day conference SOLIDARITY IN THE MIGRATION SOCIETY.
Exhibition opening
Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 7PM
October 6, 2023 – January 21, 2024
Monday–Wednesday, October 9–11, 2023
(Monday – Keynote at TU Berlin, Tuesday/Wednesday – conference at DAZ)
Based on a transdisciplinary work by Berlin activists, initiatives and researchers, SPACES OF SOLIDARITY formulates theses on solidarity relationships. The exhibition asks what makes these connections possible and what stands in their way, about their reach, their transformational impulses and their scaling. Socio-spatial mappings of initiatives and the emerging possibilities are shown as examples. Solidary transformation impulses become tangible in an oscillation between these mappings and philosophical, sociological, psychological and ethnological reflections.
The three-day conference SOLIDARITY IN THE MIGRATION SOCIETY from October 9th to 11th, 2023 deals with the conditions of solidarity in the fields of work, housing and health as well as their practical and infrastructural negotiations, enabling and preventing. In the transdisciplinary cooperation with civil society partners in Berlin as a global “laboratory” of the migration society, we have jointly identified a number of structural obstacles and areas of tension of solidarity.
The conference keynote will take place on October 9th at the TU Berlin, the conference will continue on October 10th and 11th at the German Architecture Center (DAZ).
With the KIOSK OF SOLIDARITY, which was present in Berlin in the summer months of 2023 as a mobile intervention in the urban space, the demands of the initiatives for a city based on solidarity become louder in the exhibition space. An accompanying international conference deals in depth with solidarity strategies in the migration society based on the areas of work, health and housing.
Exhibition and conference are formats of the research project TRANSFORMING SOLIDARITIES in cooperation with selected Berlin initiatives. Curatorial director of the collectively developed exhibition is Moritz Ahlert (Habitat Unit TU Berlin).
TRANSFORMING SOLIDARITIES is funded by the Berlin University Alliance and consists of 22 members of the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin.
The SOLIDARITY KIOSK was created in cooperation with CONSTRUCTLAB and is funded by the BERLINER PROJECT FUND URBANE PRAXIS.
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Fotos: Monika Keiler, 2023