”´We wished for fresh air, lakes, light and peace in the countryside.´
The privatistic – and yet common – desire for a weekend refuge was the starting point of the ”Rahmen”-project. But with the radical idea of the Anthropocene in mind everything about this becomes illusory and problematic: “out there” doesn’t make sense anymore; a bungalow in Brandenburg confronts us with the “land issue”; the work/life and the week/weekend dichotomies seem increasingly outdated; and “just the two of us” is not realistic when we think of ourselves as “pond among ponds”. So we ended up building a raft named Rahmen, an explorer that works as framework, developed over a pandemic summer, for an adaptive form of life and as an instrument for creating continuous reframings of the fundamental challenges of our time.” Isabell Schrickel, media theorist & PhD candidate/Leuphana University
Link to the Zoom-event on February 4, 2021 at 6 pm
(Meeting-ID 682 3365 5883)
Curated and moderated by Lidia Gasperoni, Matthias Böttger and Christophe Barlieb of fieldstations. The association promotes research about the Anthropocene – the new geological age in which human activity has become one of the most dominant influences upon the transformational processes of the earth.
The event, in cooperation with the Department of Architectural Theory at the Institute for Architecture at the TU Berlin, is part of the DAZ series
“We need to talk!”.