At the presentation series neu im club the architecture office VON M will be presented on November 25th at the DAZ-Glashaus. Matthias Siegert and Dennis Mueller will talk (in German) about their work with Andreas Denk (editor-in-chief of der architekt) and David Kasparek (editor). The current edition of the journal will also be presented on the occasion, followed by conversation over drinks.
VON M stands for Visual Orchestra Noble Minded. Though the name evokes a rather triumphal gesture, Matthias Siegert, Myriam Kunz and Dennis Mueller have so far been getting attention mostly as masters of quiet tones. Whether museum, exhibition stand, kindergarten or residential building, the work of their joint office in Stuttgart is characterized by a functional organization and context-appropriate appearance.
neu im club – a series of talks presented by der architekt and DAZ
The BDA’s newest members will be the focal point of the neu im club series at the DAZ Glashaus, which will run parallel to the presentation of new offices in the BDA magazine der architekt. Emphasis will be placed not just on the buildings, but on the working methods and motivations of their architects. Selected projects will be displayed on the façade of the Glashaus, a glowing presentation for visitors and passersby alike.

Webseite VON M www.vonm.de