Talk at DAZ-Glashaus: 16.01.2019, 7 pm
The BDA’s newest members will be the focal point of the neu im club series at the DAZ Glashaus, which will run parallel to the presentation of new offices in the BDA magazine der architekt.

Since the founding of their Münster office in 2008, Marc Hehn and Christian Pohl have made a name for themselves as architects of accomplished residential houses in the region. Though best known for single-family dwellings, hehnpohl architektur also works with listed buildings and urban residential and commercial buildings. Here, too, the pair demonstrates a feel for spatial relationships in which architecture operates not just as material expression of an aesthetic vision, but as a social discipline.
On 7 November, the BDA will warmly welcome Marc Hehn and Christian Pohl for a discussion of their office’s projects with David Kasparek (editor of der architekt). Afterwards, the current edition of the magazine will be presented. Snacks and drinks will be provided.