Ecological rethinking and sustainable construction require alternative
building methods, new materials and above all, the courage to
experiment. Which conditions does the experiment need and how does it influence the architecture?
Architect team Allison Dring and Daniel Schwaag (Made of Air / Elegant Embellishments), Thomas Gillich (Head of Energy Management in the
Office for Structural Engineering and Building, City of Karlsruhe) and architect Eike Roswag-Klinge (ZRS Architekten Ingenieure) talk about how experiments can pave the way for climate-friendly planning and
building. Their presentation focuses on projects submitted for the call for ideas: “Houston, we have a problem: Ecology and Responsibility”.
The evening will be in English and will be moderated by Elina Potratz (editor der architekt) and Laura Holzberg (DAZ).
Where to find the DAZ: