A special form of urban design, a place for meeting, information and exchange – a kiosk combines all this and promises in its meaning and use a density of experience and abundance for its accidental and intentional visitors. The DAZ would like to reproduce this idea objectively and in terms of content: On three dates in September, the Messy Kiosk by the architecture and artist collective ConstructLab, from the exhibition Living the City, THF Berlin, 2020, will be played with and staged with different socially relevant content – curated by DAZ. Oriented on Lefebvre’s spatial triad, conversations with actors from the context of urban design focusing on urban collectives (Representation of Space), socio-political influences, especially of marginalized groups (Spatial Practices) and informal knowledge transfer (Spaces of Representation) will be conducted at the kiosk.

Spaces of representation – independent media act as gatekeepers and distributors of curated information in urban space. As alternative information media, they serve niches and smaller target groups that are rarely considered even by the mainstream of a pluralistic society.
How do such formats form and what socio-cultural role do they take? We discuss self-publishing as activist knowledge production, appropriation, and participation through subversive mediation of information, especially in an urban cultural context.
Critical media professionals including representatives of the Berlin-based magazines Arts of the Working Class and Auwhām as well as self-publisher Lukas Feireiss, whose exhibition There Are Walls That Want To Prowl is currently at DAZ. Before the talk, he invites to a guided tour through the exhibition.
Welcome and Moderation
DAZ: Alesa Mustar
Introduction and discussion
Pauł Sochacki, “Arts of the working class”,
Print, Berlin
Mudar Al Khufash, „awhām“
Print, Berlin
Lukas Feireiss
Self-Publisher, Berlin
afterwards Diskussion

What patterns of social inequality are constituted by urban space and what role do social categories such as gender and migration play in this? Which movements of upheaval are manifesting themselves and what form and force is needed to implement structural changes?
Invited are actors from the fields of research, activist spatial practice and teaching to discuss together with the DAZ the necessary sensitization and clarification of the power-structural problematic of urban development and to point out prospective approaches, ideas and concrete instructions for action.
DAZ: Alesa Mustar and Laura Holzberg
Introduction and discussion
Niloufar Tajeri
Architect, researcher and author (e.g. “Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound”), Braunschweig/Berlin
Collective, Berlin
Soft Agency
Team, Berlin
Afterwards discussion


Urban collectives act directly in hot spots and conflict sectors. With their niche expertise and a strong approach of participation, they contribute to establishing a new form of city-society dialogue. For social paradigm shifts and the associated sensitization processes on the topic of equitable space production require a new way of caring for the city and culture.
Collectives that are actively engaged in their urban environment are invited to share their stories and ideas.
DAZ: Alesa Mustar and Laura Holzberg
Introduction and discussion
Rurbane Realitäten
Collective, Berlin
Collective, Berlin
Collective, Hamburg
Afterwards discussion

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