Italian-born and Berlin-based artist Ingrid Hora probes with her exhibition “freizeyt” the blurring boundaries between work and leisure. Her sculptures which evoke sport and play equipment and her video works which transform the DAZ into a gym of “passing time” are shown until February 14th, 2016.
On the last day of the show Ingrid Hora will guide through the exhibition. Afterwards she will talk about “freizeyt”/leisure time with Matthias Böttger, DAZ artistic director, choreographer Claudia Tomasi, dramaturg Elisa Ricci and artist Bani Abidi.
Is leisure time in the sense of labor-free time actually you have disposable? How is public space used for leisure activity? How do spaces of recreation function, that are at the same time sites of encounter – the club, allotment garden and sport yard? Is space transformable through dancing and movements?
Participants of the discussion:
Ingrid Hora, artist, Berlin
Matthias Böttger, DAZ artistic director, Berlin
Claudia Tomasi, choreographer and performer, Berlin
Elisa Ricci, dramaturg and artistic adviser, Berlin
Bani Abidi, artist, Berlin/Karachi
The talk will be in German and English.
We also warmly invite you for coffee and cake!

Webseite Ingrid Hora