With ALONE TOGETHER, Swiss performance artist Anna Anderegg investigates our social behavior in digital spaces – in the analog space of the DAZ, she makes it tangible in the form of a performance and a film. Anderegg plays with cognitive proximity and physical distance in real and virtual space. After all, functions and routines have increasingly shifted from the analog to the digital world, which changes our physical relationship to space and the digital architecture of our coexistence.

Saturday/Sunday, September 3/4, 2022
Saturday/Sunday, September 10/11, 2022
3PM // 4PM // 5PM // 6PM // 7PM

Please book a ticket to secure your admission. Admission to the performance is via time slot tickets. The stay is unlimited from the booked time for the rest of the booked day.


Tickets cost 10 EUR, discounted tickets cost 8 EUR.

The payment of the ticket takes place on site. For sponate guests the ticket booking is also possible at short notice on site. Just come by!
For online bookings, please show your ticket and your proof of discount in the DAZ digitally or printed.
If you are unable to attend, please send an email to: mail@daz.de so that your seat can be given to someone else.

The PERFORMANCE is designed as a five-hour loop structure, each loop lasting approximately one hour and repeating in different variations. Five dancers move with their smartphones and laptops through a space-creating architecture of fragile frames, light and shadow. With their movements they form network spaces through which the audience can freely pass. Thus, they form network spaces through which the audience is free to wander; the boundaries between virtual and physical identity, between performance and audience, melt away. Together with the film work, ALONE TOGETHER distributes itself expansively throughout the two large halls at DAZ.

In the FILM, physical loneliness is broken by a stream of search images that rush across the smooth surfaces of digital media in an urban atmosphere. In contrast, in the performance, physical movement condenses into the endless. By decelerating movements, it challenges our often short attention span.

In 2021 Anderegg was invited to develop the Swiss Pavilion at the Gwangju Art Biennale (South Korea), for this occasion she produced the performance ALONE TOGETHER and the short film of the same name.

Concept, choreography: Anna Anderegg
Performance: Anna Anderegg, Ixchel Mendoza Hernandez, Hyoung-Min Kim, Laureline Richard, Nina Willimann
Performance (Film): Seungyoon Choi
Sound design: Marco Barotti
Architectural elements & scenography: Diagonal Thoughts – Sara Kim
DoP, Edit: Swan Park
Visual concept, Koordination: Milica Slacanin
Dramaturgy: Johanna Hilari
Lighting design: Our Labour
Costume design: Antoniya Ivanova
Costume assistance (Film): Anna-Sara Skarin
Hyperlapse/Animation: Wael Toubaji
iSphere: Plastique Fantastique
Technique: Hannes Sesemann
Assistance: Trécy Afonso, Mila Dürholt
Production: Nadine Becker

ANNA ANDEREGG studied dance in Bern, Montpellier and Berlin. Her work is based on the dialogue between the human body and its urban space while capturing current social and architectural issues physically and makes them comprehensible and tangible for the audience. In 2013 she won the June Johnson Dance Prize (Swiss dance awards) as well as the Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen Deutschland, an annual award by the German government. In 2016 she was the recipient of a six-month research fellowship in New York. Her work has been shown in various cities in Europe, Asia and North America.

With ALONE TOGETHER, the DAZ continues its collaboration with Anna Anderegg which began in 2015 by showcasing her work STILL MOTION.


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(c) Anna Anderegg. Photographer: Swan Park
(c) Anna Anderegg. Photographer: Swan Park
(c) Anna Anderegg. Photographer: Julija Goyd
(c) Anna Anderegg. Photographer: Swan Park
(c) Anna Anderegg. Photographer: Nicole Pfister


More at annaanderegg.com

Kunsthaus Pasquart
Gwangju Biennale
HEK Haus der Elektronischen Künste
Eunam Museum of Arts
Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea



Swiss Fund Korea
Arts Council Korea
Stadt Biel
Kanton Bern
Kulturverwaltung Stadt Detmold
Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung
Ernst Göhner Stiftung