In dem von Agnès Violeau kuratierten Teil der DAZ-Ausstellung A SPACE IS A SPACE IS A SPACE hat am Donnerstag, 24. September 2015, um 19 Uhr Dennis Rudolph seinen Auftritt. Der 1979 in Berlin geborene und in Berlin und Los Angeles lebende Künstler präsentiert eine „öffentliche Entschuldigung“, die live in den Ausstellungsraum übertragen wird. Er erläutert:
„Some of you know of the portal project in California City and some of you even have been involved in some way or the other. Some of you might have been estranged of how and where I chose to take the portal project or where it chose to take me. Many of you have supported me never the less and put their trust in me, even though, today, every one of you has good reason to be critical of me.
Dennis Rudolph has been working on the public art project The portal, a gateway between heaven and hell in California City, CA, USA, since 2012. The project is in a severe crisis. On Thursday, Sept 24, 7pm, in A SPACE IS A SPACE IS A SPACE Rudolph will give a public apology concerning his own critical position within the project.
To have the chance to speak directly to the people who have been closely involved with the project, Rudolph wants to create a separated intimate space for his performance which is exclusive. The speech can be seen live simultaneously on a flat screen in the main exhibition room without personal invitation. By creating a space within the space that is exclusive and public at the same time Rudolph tries to locate the paradoxical thresholds of a society that is working on the denial of all thresholds including in particular the very last one.“
A SPACE IS A SPACE IS A SPACE ist eine performative und narrative Ausstellung von den drei Kuratorinnen Karima Boudou, Céline Poulin und Agnès Violeau, die sich mit den Themen Performance, öffentlicher Raum sowie sozialer Kontext auseinandersetzen. Sie ist ein ein Projekt des Bureau des arts plastiques des Institut français und des DAZ.