Anna-Sophie Springer, curator and director of K. Verlag in Berlin, and Etienne Turpin, philosopher, are joint co-investigators of “Reassembling the Natural”, an ongoing exhibition-led inquiry into the “necroaesthetics”
of contemporary natural history.
In their current research on “Ponds among Ponds: An Exhibition on Threshold Behavior & Nested Life”, they discuss the relationship between organisms and propose an alternative approach to depicting natural history. Instead of beginning from the assumption that the organism is the basic unit of evolution, what if we consider nested ecologies of life as symbiotic kin that challenge ideas of competition and fitness? And how can novel spatial strategies and interventions in the standard display technologies of the Natural History Museum contribute to de-naturalizing its presentation of human supremacy?
Link to the Zoom-event on January 14, 2021 at 6 pm
Curated and moderated by Lidia Gasperoni, Matthias Böttger and Christophe Barlieb of fieldstations. The association promotes research about the Anthropocene – the new geological age in which human activity has become one of the most dominant influences upon the transformational processes of the earth.
The event, in cooperation with the Department of Architectural Theory at the Institute for Architecture at the TU Berlin, is part of the DAZ series
“We need to talk!”.